Τετάρτη 23 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Raman Spectroscopy

On Wednesday 16-2011, a web seminar (webinar) about Raman Spectroscopy, took place on http://www.thermoscientificwebevent.com/, named Rethinking Raman. This blog was made in order to provide with basic information about Raman, people who are interested in Spectroscopy.
Raman was first introduced in 1928 and it has received many upgrades since then. Today it finds use in many applications such as polymers, packaging, art conservation and archaelogy to name but a few. Due to its high precision, minute amount of sample is needed to run the test, even in low sensitivity. Furthernore, Raman's spectroscopy great advantage is the damage control. This means that the sample will take no damage during the procedure and thus Raman spectroscopy is appropriate for expensive speciments like gemstones, carbon nanomaterials and even photoboltaic cells.
The method is based on a light beam that "hits" the sample and it proves vibrations that can provide with information about the bond and the angle of the molecules of the materials that are tested. This is possible, because every material has its unique "molecular fingerprint", like people have their own DNA code and they can be recognised by that.
What is known as The Raman Effect, is described in the following procedure . Laser beam of specific frequency hits the molecules which in turn give reflected light beam and scattered electrons, the Raman Scatter. The following figures (1,2) describe the Raman phenomenum very simple. Raman Spectroscopy is also applicable in life, pharmaceutical purposes and forensic science where the use of trace amounts of sample is of great importance. It is also used even by the police to identify the source of drugs, explosives and such other analyses.
Figure 1: The Raman Effect
Figure 2: Raman Scattering
The latest Raman Spectroscopy equipment demands no specialist to calibrate or configure it, because the main stream analytical technique is half automated. It is also supported by a computer program that turns easily scientific data into answers. Although the performance of Raman DX is affected by user's experience, it comes with software that alerts the user when unexpected problems pop up and provides with possible solutions. The main idea is that it can be fully adjusted, configured and calibrated by anyone, through its step by step guide and the time that is required before starting to measure is no more than 5-10 minutes, when other similar Raman would take from half to two days long for the same procedure.
The step by step guide is being described in the following 8 points.
1) Attach the laser, Install the filter, Insert the granting.
2) Align and Calibrate it properly (it selfs confirms when ready), (Neon gas is used for standarization).
3) Mount and target sample (target sample, press "go", obtain representative spectrum every time).
4) Optimize the parameters (representative spectrum gives again the optimal exposure like over, under or perfect exposed).
5) Collect and process data (cut the cosmic rays from the spectrum through fluorescence).
6) Validate data (spectroquality checks about saturated data marked as blue and good data as red).
7) Interpet data (Identify primary components by searching in the "library" rapidly and attempt to isolate the secondary components which takes more time).
8)Apply results.
The whole procedure should last for Raman DX no longer than 2 hours when others would need 18 hours.
Now some Raman DX capabilities will be presented with emphasis in the wide range of materials that can be analysed. It can differentiate rutile from anatase, compounder resin from polymer resin, amorphous silica from crystalline silicon, graphene layer from single to multiple layers under a scale of 10 microns, identify ink from one pen to another which under a naked eye would appear the same and also in the pharmaceutical industry it is used to identify recrystallized drug from proper drug because it detects the acis that form solvents.

All the above make Raman Spectroscopy a necessary equipment for every lab.

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